Moths Night & Star Gazing
Key Details
Description: A night-time event, organised jointly with the Wickford Wildlife Society. We set up a moth attracting light on a white sheet and sit around this waiting for the moths to turn up. As with most wildlife events, much depends on the weather conditions on the night, and we could see anything from a dozen to thirty moth species. Due to car-parking arrangements, pre-booking is essential, , please send an email to Martin Singleton to book your placeDate: Friday 5thth July 2024
Venue: The Wick Country Park - meet in front of the Pavilion by 9 p.m.
Time: 9.00 p.m., probably ending between 11.00pm and Mid-night, depending on what we see and the weather. If we get some clear skies at any time, we will do a bit of star gazing too.
Cost: FREE
Directions: Please see here. Parking: Car parking: as we will not have access to the car park for this event, you will have to park on the road outside the park gates, near to the roundabout in Tresco Way, and enter by the pedestrian gate, and proceed to the Pavilion inside the main Park. If you are able to do so, we encourage visitors to walk or cycle to the WCP; cycle racks are provided by the 'Staff carpark'.
Toilets: We have no access to the toilets for these week-day walks because the Council has leased the Pavilion to a Day Nursery
Refreshments: We are unable to provide refreshments because the Council has leased the Pavilion to a Day Nursery